Learning R with Dr. Hu and His Friends | 计算社会科学编程语言证书项目(R语言)
Series: Method Courses for "Non-Math" Students
Year-long programming workshop and certificate program
July 29, 2021
The courses are specially designed for students who have an interest of quantitative methods but don’t have a mathematical, statistical, or econometric background. Different from applied-method courses, students are expected to learn not only how but why to use a certain method in these courses.
这里列出的是我的新文科方法课程系列。 授课对象是对现代社会科学方法(因果推断、计算社会科学等)感兴趣的,而又没有多少数学、统计或经济学基础的学生。 然而,这些课程又与一般社会科学方法应用课程不同,不采用“代码+案例”的教学方式,强调方法论层面的理解以及方法的应用原理和规范。
Year-long programming workshop and certificate program
July 29, 2021
A gateway course of political methodology
July 29, 2021
Professional training for social scientists
June 29, 2021
Advanced method course about big data analysis on governance data
May 29, 2021