Analysis of Political Data | 政治数据分析 (70700173)
Large-N & Leeuwenhoek | 大样本分析与列文虎克
July 29, 2021
Analysis of political data is a gateway course of political methodology and is compulsory for students in Political Science. The course introduces students to statistical and econometric knowledge for the analysis of quantitative data and provides a basis for more advanced statistical methods. After covering the fundamental concepts of statistics, such as probability and distributions, we will explore the classical normal linear regression model and its assumptions. We will also discuss the consequences and remedies for violations of these assumptions, including omitted variables, heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation, and endogeneity. If time permits, we will further talk about the use and interpretation of continuous, ordinal, nominal, and indicator variables, variable interactions, missing data and basic models for limited dependent variables. Along the way and primarily in the lab session, students will learn the basics of data collection, organization and management, measurement, data visualization and display, and univariate, bivariate and multivariate descriptive statistics in R.
《政治数据分析》(70700173) 定位“科学研究方法入门”,是政治学专业基础课程,也是学习社会科学方法的奠基性课程,内容包括社会科学基础原则、大样本研究统计学和计量经济学知识以及基于R语言的操作实现。 课程旨在为学生配备从单变量描述统计到多变量非线性回归的完整基于数据的实证分析工具箱,并剖析大样本分析的规范逻辑、流程和术语使用,实现学生对中英文方法论文献的阅读无障碍。 在操作层面上,课程前半段对R语言基础操作进行讲解和案例演示,后半段融入互动式教学,旨在使学生了解编程语言知识同时,掌握自行解决“射程以外”问题、寻找优质资源的本领。
课程绰号“大样本分析与列文虎克”,是受到 一位B站Up主启发,意在指出课程区别于一般方法应用课程的独到之处在于,一步步“挖掘、验证、辟谣、欣赏”大样本分析中那些“广为人知或鲜为人知”的细节与精妙之处。