Learning R with Dr. Hu and His Friends | 计算社会科学编程语言证书项目(R语言)
Series: Method Courses for "Non-Math" Students
Year-long programming workshop and certificate program
Year-long programming workshop and certificate program
A gateway course of political methodology
Fundamental theories and approaches to analyze public policies.
General education course, a political-science understanding how public policies are built and implemented.
Professional training for social scientists
Politics happened in cities, for cities, because of cities
Advanced method course about big data analysis on governance data
Fundamental concepts and knowledge to understand politics
A pedagogical software make the R learners’ life a little bit easier and more happily and a supplementary courseware for Dr. Yue Hu’s R program lectures. The tutorials included are crystallized during Dr. Hu’s online and offline R workshop.
A toolbox for writing an academic paper with rmarkdown. The tools includes data analyses, visualization, and documenting.